Add or Remove Group Members

Add a New Member

To add a new group member, click “Select” next to a blank member slot. Then key the email and name of the new member.  Click “Submit.” The system will confirm that the name has been added and that an activation email has been sent.

Note the following: 

The new member must activate access using the link in the activation email. They must also create a unique user name and user password. The account adminstrator can not activate access on behalf of the member.

Remove a Member

To remove a group member, click “Remove” next to the name and then click “Submit”. The system will confirm that the name has been removed. 

Updating a Current Member 

Updating a current member follows the same process as removing a member. Remove and then enter the new email and/or name. The member then must reactivate access. They will not be able to reuse the same user name. 

Member Logins and Passwords

Logins are case sensitive and limited to no more than 20 characters. Apostrophes and diacritics such as an umlaut in the login fields may cause problems and should be avoided. 

About Member Sessions

Each member can only have one session open at any given time. 

Sessions remain open for approximately four hours and will close automatically if there is no activity.