Manuscript Preparation, Copyediting, and Proofreading

Q. How do you globally change all the underlining in a manuscript to italic? On page 112 of The Subversive Copy Editor is a story of a colleague who did it all by hand. I am doing that now, but I’d love to know the quick way . . .

Q. How do you create a bibliographic entry for a visit to a museum?

Q. What is a callout?

Q. I know that endnotes are indexed. But which page number is listed—the page where the callout occurs, or the page where the actual endnote appears? If the latter, all subjects in endnotes on that page will have the same page number . . . the endnote page. Is that correct?

Q. My company publishes curricula in the form of modules, which are stand-alone chapters, each with its own page number range. These modules are compiled into perfect-bound volumes and then indexed. The question is how to best indicate that topic X can be found in module 26207, page 4; module 26210, page 20; module 26213, page 4; etc., as clearly and concisely as possible. Is there an alternative to repeating the module numbers and/or perhaps modifying the page numbers to make the index less clunky?

Q. I have translated a recent German-language publication and am almost ready to publish. In collaborating with the German author, I have learned that she updated the original work to include one- and two-sentence passages that reflect current political conditions. She wishes for me to incorporate into my translation these updates and other minor modifications. I can agree to that, but how do I handle the matter of attribution?

Q. I am editing a history of our university that is divided into thirteen chapters delineated by time frames. Three of the chapters are divided into parts (not to be confused with subheads, which exist in all chapters), the idea being that they would be too long as single chapters. How should these parts be treated within each chapter (if at all)? Should endnotes stream from one part to the next or begin with 1 for each part? Or should the parts simply become new chapters? Or should we dissolve the parts and accept very long chapters for those three cases?

Q. I’m copyediting Plato’s Republic and I’m wondering if I should put the dialogue in quotations or not.

Q. How do you number the pages in the appendix when you have multiple appendixes? Do you continue the same numbering that you have in the text, or do you use A-1, for example?

Q. CMOS suggests that non-English terms be italicized on first use, a practice I follow when editing nonfiction. I am currently editing a novel set in Caesar’s time, featuring Roman weapons and other Latin terms. Does this practice also apply to novels? I find the italics interrupt the flow in fiction.