Manuscript Preparation, Copyediting, and Proofreading

Q. I’m in search of a good solid reference work for style in books in the sciences. Thanks.

Q. Greetings. Is it necessary to have a dissertation broken up into chapters?

Q. Should I double-space a press release? There seems to be little consensus on this issue, though most releases are single-spaced.

Q. This is a widely debated issue. When reporting on your own research in a manuscript, do you refer to yourself in the first or third person? Example: “The authors surveyed participants at a local library” or “We surveyed participants at a local library.” What is CMOS’s take on this issue?

Q. This is a query about indexing. Please see the following example and advise:

hypotheses, 153–54

characteristics of, 154

See also research; variables

. . .


characteristics of, 154

data collection, 170

hypotheses, 153–54

Now, “hypotheses” is a subentry under “research” (and refers to the same pages). In such a case, do we need to retain the “see also,” since it points to another entry (“variables”) as well? How do we avoid repetition of “hypotheses” here? Please suggest alternatives.

Q. Our out-of-house indexer has indexed the word “justice” for a book on law and order in the ancient world. However, the word “justice” does not appear on many of the pages he included. Those pages contain discussions of laws, crimes, and punishments, but do not actually use the word “justice.” “Justice” does specifically appear on several pages, which he included. However, for the others, he has really indexed the concept of justice, rather than the word itself. Is this permitted in indexing? This is a book for sixth graders, who might be confused if they look for the word on a page, but can’t find it. I hope I’m clear about the problem.

Q. I am a small press. I would like to know what the numbers on the copyright page represent that are written: 2 3 4 5 6 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3, for example.

Q. What is the minimum number of sentences that can be used to make up a paragraph?

Q. I’m totally blind and have decided to edit and proof my own manuscript. How would a blind person proof a manuscript?

Q. If I use a term in writing such as “infra dig,” should I use quotations with parentheses to explain the term immediately following the expression? I assume I should, as “infra dig” is a seldom-used term. Most authors seem (to me) to just include their arcane words and phrases to force the readers to look up the words or not, as they choose.