Quotations and Dialogue

Q. When I proofread, I am often requested to list the corrections in a note. An example of a note is: I recommend deleting “a querulous comment”. I put the period outside the closing quotation mark. I think what I’m reading in CMOS 6.9 would make my punctuation incorrect. Am I correct in this assumption?

Q. How does one punctuate dialogue in which one character interrupts another in the middle of a word? The writer whose work I’m editing has used a hyphen followed by an ellipsis, which looks awful to me: “I wouldn’t go so far as to call myself an expe- . . .”

Q. CMOS 6.9 and 6.10 clearly define where closing punctuation goes in relation to quotation marks—particularly when the quoted text is a complete thought or phrase. However, where does the period go in text like the following: In the Gross Weight column, type “.01” and in the Volume column, type “1”. I’ve been putting the period inside, as in the following: Change the customer order status from “Delivered” to “Invoiced/Closed.” Which is correct in these types of cases?

Q. What is the rule regarding quotations within parentheses within sentences—and, additionally, multisentence quotations in same? I know that this is correct: You’ll never catch him working out (repetitions? routine? forget it). But is this correct? You’ll never catch him working out (“No reps and routines for me. I can’t stand them.”).

Q. Dear Chicago experts, my question is regarding the use of ellipses to indicate text omitted from quoted material. Does one insert a space after the ellipsis if the following sentence is a complete one? Or should all text should be closed up to ellipses in these cases? The example in CMOS 13.53 appears to have a space but is not clear.

Q. Is there a term for a quote that comes after a subheading?

Q. I’ve read the section on ellipses (CMOS 13.50–58), but I want to verify that what you’re recommending is [space dot space dot space dot space] for a regular ellipsis. Also, I am puzzled by the rationale of putting a period at the end of an incomplete sentence and then an ellipsis before continuing the quotation. As I see it, this doesn’t differentiate between a complete sentence followed by missing text and an incomplete sentence followed by missing text.

Q. Dear CMOS Editors: When omitting the end of a sentence in a quotation, should there be a space after the ellipsis before the closing quotation mark? (1) The Supreme Court ordered the school districts to desegregate “with all deliberate speed. . . .” (2) The Supreme Court ordered the school districts to desegregate “with all deliberate speed. . . .” I see that CMOS 13.55 indicates there should not be a final space, but I’m not sure if that rule applies beyond sentences that are deliberately grammatically incomplete.

Q. I am having trouble understanding the structure of the following example (CMOS 13.55): “Everyone knows that the Declaration of Independence begins with the sentence ‘When, in the course of human events . . .’ But how many people can recite more than the first few lines of the document?” Are these intended to be two sentences? If so, why would there be no closing period after the ellipsis points and closing quotation mark (i.e., before “But”)? If they are one sentence, why would “But” be capitalized? I’m missing something—or misunderstanding, perhaps. Please help.

Q. I seem to find conflicting information, and I can’t figure out the following: is it OK or not to introduce a block quotation with an incomplete sentence (such as “The passage states”) followed by a colon? Or does the sentence have to be a complete sentence?