Citation, Documentation of Sources

Q. When citing multiple sources in one sentence, would you create multiple footnotes separated by commas at the end of the sentence? Or is there a way to combine sources in one footnote?

Q. Do mentions “in passing” of books require complete endnote citations? The author explains he is “naming them as works that exist in the world,” not “citing” them. For example, “Books in my house when I was a child included Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn.” I could find nothing in CMOS about this.

Q. How do you cite images generated by DALL·E?

Q. How do you recommend citing content developed or generated by artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT? Many scholarly publishers are requiring its identification though also requiring human authors to take responsibility for it and will not permit the AI to have “authorship.”

Q. I’m doing a research project where I analyze the currency of different countries. If I want to discuss, say, the US one-dollar bill, can I cite it directly as a document produced by the Federal Reserve, or do I need to cite an image of the bill?

Q. If someone uses multiple quotes that are not interrupted by a separate source, should the citation be with the first quote or the last?

Q. Hello, I would like to know how to handle citations to books that list a subsequent printing date. Some books will say, for example, “Copyright 1975” and elsewhere on the copyright page will list the various printing dates, such as “2nd printing 1979, 3rd printing 1985, 4th printing 1992.”

Should my references point to the original copyright date, or the subsequent printing date? I have searched in vain to find a definitive answer to this or any concrete examples. Thank you very much for the help!

Q. Can a building or other similar place or geographical feature be cited as a source according to CMOS?

Q. I am editing a book, converting it from APA to Chicago. The publisher/​author has made the choice to not include a bibliography. My question is how to write the note when there are more than four authors. Should each author be cited, or only the first plus “et al.”?

Q. How should I cite in the text multiple publications by the same author? Can I simply write (Sutinen 1969, 1976, 1981)? Or should I write (Sutinen 1969, Sutinen 1976, Sutinen 1981)?