Citation, Documentation of Sources

Q. How would you cite marginalia in a published item in footnotes and bibliography? I want to reference a published nineteenth-century auction catalog that has handwritten purchase prices and buyers’ names. The catalog is now held in a public library so has a shelf number. With thanks.

Q. In reference lists, noun forms such as “editor” (ed.) and “translator” (trans.) are always abbreviated. The abbreviation of the plural “editors” is “eds.” But what is the abbreviation of plural “translators”? “Trans.” or “transs.”?

Q. Try as I might, I cannot find anything in CMOS about whether to include first edition statements in a bibliography. There is a section on “editions other than the first,” which makes me think including statements of first editions is unnecessary. What say you?

Q. While developing a bibliography, I came across a book whose title was different for the first edition than for later editions. How should this be indicated in a bibliography?

Q. Hi! How would you cite an art exhibition in notes-bibliography style? I can’t find it in CMOS.

Q. I am editing an online book for a legal nonprofit. The editors cite some of the material as being reprinted with the author’s permission. Because the book is online, is “republished” the correct term versus “reprinted”?

Q. How does one cite the place of publication of an older book issued in a city whose name or nation has since changed? For example, a book might describe itself on its title page as having been published in Pressburg (now Bratislava) or in Straßburg, Germany (now Strasbourg, France). Should I give the place as it existed when the book was published or as it exists now?

Q. Dear Chicago editors: What should I do if my source appeared in a newspaper (which I cannot reach today), but is featured on a website? How can I give credit to both the paper and the website? The article is something I found on the website of Columbia journalism professor Samuel Freedman.

Q. CMOS 14.233 calls for URLs to be included in citations of online reference entries. But in the case of the OED (and probably other such premium sources), the URL will not work unless you have either a personal subscription or institutional access via a proxy server. So . . . what to do? Forgo the URL?

Q. My students are trying to figure out how to properly cite the Mayflower Compact (1620), and we cannot figure it out! Do you have any insight?