Manuscript Preparation, Copyediting, and Proofreading

Q. Does it matter what font style and size are used when submitting an essay for contest consideration?

Q. Can you recommend a best practice for dealing with URLs that are so long that they must break at the end of a line? This is primarily for a printed journal (thus short lines). If I allow the software to hyphenate the URL, it introduces a potentially confusing hyphen. If I force a line break, can I assume my reader will understand that it is all one looong URL? Thank you for your time.

Q. I don’t know the correct spelling of a last name. How do I indicate in my newsletter that I may have misspelled it? [Sic] doesn’t seem right.

Q. In a book manuscript, the levels of the subheads look a little confusing. For instance, in chapter 1, all the subheads appear to be H1, and then under an H1, there is a run-in head, which would be H3, but there’s no intervening H2. In chapter 2, there’s an H1 (bold, roman type), then what appears to be an H2 (italic type), and then two stacked heads (H2 and H3? but the H3 is not run in). Should I just query and then fix the coding at cleanup?

Q. The levels of the subheads in a MS I’m editing are confusing. For instance, in chapter 1, all the subheads appear to be level 1 (based on the way the author has sent them, typeface-wise), but then under a level 1, there is sometimes a level 3 with no intervening level 2. Maybe the author was just inconsistent with his use of bold and italics for heads. I guess if it doesn’t make sense when I’m reading I should just query?

Q. When abbreviations are used only in appendix A of a book, and the list of abbreviations is placed before the appendixes, how is it designated in the table of contents? Is it designated Appendix A so that the other appendixes become B and C?

Q. I transcribe audio recordings verbatim, and sentences cannot be changed to leave out a false start. In this situation, is the word after the dash capitalized? “The—when you were turning into the apartment complex, was there enough room?”

Q. What is the rule for including the place of printing with regard to an e-book, which is not actually printed on paper anywhere? If this information is necessary, where should it be inserted in the front matter? Many thanks for your response.

Q. The place of publication is included in the front matter of a printed book. Is the place of publication also included in the front matter of an e-book?

Q. If a book contains only one table, is it necessary to number it?