Possessives and Attributives

Q. Our pastor’s surname is Lentz. He is married with children, so there are several people named Lentz living in his house. When an event is scheduled to occur at his home, should we refer to it as “the Lentz’ house,” “the Lentz’s house,” or simply “the Lentz house”?

Q. I’m working on a legal document in which the defined term “Approved Services” could mean one service or more than one. When I am referencing the “Approved Services’ signal” throughout an agreement, how can either the singular or the plural possessive of the word be written? “Approved Service(’)s(’)” seems right to me, since the apostrophe is what can be used for either meaning, but it looks weird. The author of the document uses “Approved Service(s)’ signals” throughout, but this doesn’t show that the apostrophe is what is in question based on either possible usage.

Q. When forming the possessive for a proper noun rendered with an initialism, should I use ’s, or, because the last word rendered by the initialism is “Services,” should I treat it as a noun plural in form but singular in meaning, and add the apostrophe only? My instinct is to write “FIS's customers” because, plural services or no, FIS is one company. However, on that company's website I see that they form the possessive with the apostrophe only: “FIS' competitive edge.” Thank you for any advice.

Q. I have a sports-related question resulting from a recent conversation with a friend during a baseball game. I maintain that the proper term for that administrative unit overseeing sports at a college or university should be “Athletics Department,” but my friend contended that it is “Athletic Department.” Who’s right?

Q. I’m trying to find a definitive answer to whether an inanimate object can take the possessive form. I have been told that an object cannot possess something, so the ’s form should not be used. Instead of “the vehicle’s speed,” it should be “the speed of the vehicle.” I understand the rule, but can’t find anything here to support it.

Q. In CMOS 6.28, the following example is used to illustrate an appositive with a comma: “Ursula’s son, Clifford, had been a student of Norman Maclean’s.” I know that the usage displayed in the last three words of the sentence has become mainstream, but surely it has not become correct?

Q. What are the rules surrounding the use of fiction and nonfiction and fictional and nonfictional? I know the former are nouns and the latter adjectives, but can you say “a fiction passage”? I suspect not—though I hear it all the time.

Q. When referring to the house belonging to my wife and me, I have trouble deciding between “Libby and my house” or “Libby’s and my house.” Which is correct?

Q. Is there an acceptable way to form the possessive of words such as Macy’s and Sotheby’s? Sometimes rewording to avoid the possessive results in less felicitous writing.

Q. I am proofing a training manual. It’s labeled “Participant’s Manual.” Shouldn’t it be “Participants’ Manual”? Thanks.